Charles Hadden Spurgeon said the following in an address titled, “A New Departure”*:
“Surely there is some self-sacrifice among us yet, and some among us who are willing to be exiled for Jesus. The mission languishes for want of men. If the men were forthcoming the liberality of the church would supply their needs.”
Every gospel endeavor requires earthly resources. Some require an extraordinary amount of resources to succeed and others require very little. Regardless the degree of need, from the simplest act to the most ambitious venture for Christ’s sake and the gospel’s, they all demand that godly people get to work. Certainly, godliness is more difficult to find than money, food, or other common provisions. And our God supplies both. He has already supplied a small contingent of faithful men and women from Grace Bible Church in Tempe, AZ who are eager to labor in New Orleans (more about them coming soon!) and now we are trusting God to provide for our financial needs as well.
We are selling “Spurgeon in Louisiana” t-shirts to help cover our church planting start-up costs. The crème color shirt includes our church logo and name on the front left chest in navy blue. The back of the shirt dons the above Spurgeon quote in an outline of Louisiana. One of our core team members, Britney Dudley, initially created the design for our support letter.
YOU CAN PRE-ORDER SHIRTS AT THIS LINK. All who do, thank you for your support! May the fruit increase to your account. March 24th is the last day to pre-order. Local orders can be picked up at Grace Bible Church in Tempe. Other orders will be shipped the first week of April.
Philippians 4:17, “Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek the fruit which increases to your account.”
*C. H. Spurgeon, An All-Round Ministry (Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2018), 110.