NOLA Update (March 12, 2023)

On Sunday, I updated our church about the New Orleans church plant. A summary of the update is outlined below. News Completed our branding (logo, design, landing page for website – registered as a corporation with the state of Louisiana...
Fundraiser: “Spurgeon in Louisiana”

Fundraiser: “Spurgeon in Louisiana”

Charles Hadden Spurgeon said the following in an address titled, “A New Departure”*: “Surely there is some self-sacrifice among us yet, and some among us who are willing to be exiled for Jesus. The mission languishes for want of men. If the men were...

NOLA Update (January 2022)

Some of our core team recently took a trip to New Orleans, which, for several on the team, was their first time ever visiting the city. I updated the church during Equipping Hour about how our core team has been preparing since July 2021. This was a good opportunity...